Nebula is New Omap interactive system, which originated from the need of our customers to have a fast and effective response, in order to minimize machine downtime, in increasingly complex and interconnected departments.
Nebula, being a cloud-based system and free from a dedicated supervision software, can be access from any internet connected device.
To access to Nebula system, the user just needs to simply connect the machinery to the internet.
After the login with dedicated username and password, the user will be able to view the list of machines interconnected and already check their operational and connection status.
By clicking then on the “Folder” icon, a .CSV file will be provided with the machine history.
With a simple click on the dedicated machine icon, the user can access the control panel.
In addition to switching on and off controls, they also have the main available functions.
Another click on the reference icon related to the machine we are controlling, allows the user to access the list of parameters and at the same time they are provided with graphs  of the performance over time of the machinery itself.
By this dedicated icon, the user may easily identify the machineries on maintenance, as our Service team is remotely connected and operative.
The user can give access to New Omap technical assistance to monitor the whole machine.